Black Child Book Fair Tour
Black Child Book Fair Tour
Black Child Book Fair Tour
Black Child Book Fair Tour
Black Child Book Fair Tour

Press Kit
T.D. Said
Meet The Author
Taunya Said has the ability to keep you bent over in laughter. Although she can overwhelm you with her daily antics, she is very business-oriented. Taunya is a Washington, DC native. ​She works for the Federal Government and has an MBA in Business Administration. Her writing experience ranges from technical writing of government policies to a former local recording artist who expressed lyrically through years of songwriting.
Taunya won the 2007 Creative Communication Poetry Contest, with her poem “My Impression” which was published in “Celebrate! Poets Speak Out”. This gave her the extra confidence to share her contagious sense of humor and led to Taunya creating a coming-of-age series called, Smart Alec Alex, in 2009.
Taunya is still a kid at heart. Her personality overwhelms you with her creative imagination as she constantly draws you in with her many stories. She’s very creative and loves to write!
“It all started on a slow night on my part-time job as a telemarketer. I was bored to pieces, finding it hard to sit still, trying to convince patrons to take a survey that not even I would be interested in taking. In between calls, I started thinking about things I did as a child and compared them with the things my daughter does and I started to write. My daughter and I are known to be smart alecks. Within two weeks, I had completed my first book. I laughed my whole way through it!”

Changing Schools and Classroom Rules
Smart Alec Alex
T.D. Said - Children's Chapter Series
Ages 8-12
Published October 2019
80 Pages
Language: English
Dimensions: 5 x 0.19 x 8 Inches
ISBN-13: 978-1-696-03320-6
(Amazon Paperback)
Ebook $2.99 on Amazon
​Paperback $7.49 on Amazon
Changing Schools and Classroom Rules

Hi, I’m Alexandria P. Knowitall.
I’m eleven years old. Some people think I’m annoying, but I’m really very clever. I know a heck of a lot. That’s why they call me Smart Alec Alex. I just started sixth grade at T.K. Spittle Middle School. And boy is it different. Changing classes- yuck!
Meet Alex and her friends, Candice, Calvin, and Sissy, in a hilarious series featuring, Smart Alec Alex.

Braces and Glasses, Imagine That!
T.D. Said - Children's Chapter Series
Ages 8-12
Published March. 2020
124 Pages
Language: English
Dimensions: 5 x 0.31 x 8 inches
ISBN-13: 978-0578657707
(Amazon Paperback)
Ebook $2.99 on Amazon ​
Paperback $7.49 on Amazon​​
Braces and Glasses, Imagine That!

Hi there it's Alexandra P. Knowitall. Mom says I've got an overbite, and I may need braces. I'm not thrilled about it, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude to save face in front of my crew - Candice, Sissy, and Calvin. They encourage me and assure me I'll be fine. But now my vision seems weird too - it's a little off. Do I need glasses too? I'm curious, aren't you?
Smart Alec Alex is back again in a new fun-filled day. Does she need braces AND Glasses?
Imagine That!

The Vacation From...Hello Operator, Help!
T.D. Said - Children's Chapter Series
Ages 8-12
Published November 2020
106 Pages
Language: English
Dimensions: 5 x 0.27 x 8 inches
ISBN-13: 979-8556074002
(Amazon Paperback)
Ebook $2.99 on Amazon ​
Paperback $7.49 on Amazon​​
The Vacation From... Hello Operator, Help!

Hey Gang, Alexandra P. Knowitall here AKA Smart Alec Alex
It's spring break for TK spittle middle school and we have a week off from school to do whatever we want to.
In smart Alec Alex, The Vacation From… Hello-Operator, Help! Alex invites her three buddies, Candice, Sissy, and Calvin to spend spring break at her Grandma Gheema’s creepy house in Woodcrack, Louisiana.
Join Alex on a hilarious ride as you follow her and her buddy’s ghostly caper.
Alex and Candace have been best friends since they were five years old. But now their friendship is being tested. It's tryout week at T.K. Spittle Middle School and both girls want to join the cheerleading squad. But the older cheerleaders are putting pressure on Candice.
Is cheerleading really worth ruining their friendship for? Find out in Smart Alec Alex - Cheerleading Into Some Mess!
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Full Interview with Molette Green on NBC4 Washington

Full Interview with Krylios from Team Rayceen

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